Information on Reporting Incidents
If you have witnessed, experienced, or been informed of an act of sexual harassment, sexual violence, or discrimination on the UCI campus, in UCI Health clinics, or at the UCI Medical Center please report it to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, the UCI Police Department, or both.
Report an Incident
Students, Faculty, and Staff: If you are unsure of whether you should report an incident to OEOD or the police, you can schedule a meeting with the Ombuds Office or a confidential CARE Advocate. A confidential CARE Advocate can provide detailed information about your options related to sexual harassment or sexual violence incidents, schedule and accompany you to meetings with the police and OEOD, and answer any questions you may have. Any information discussed with the Care Advocate will not be shared with anyone without your permission*.
The Ombuds Office is another confidential resource where students, faculty, and staff are provided with a safe and comfortable environment to discuss complaints, concerns, or problems. The office acts as an independent, impartial resource, and does not serve as an office of notice or record for the university. The office does not conduct formal investigations but can instead refer you to the appropriate office, if necessary. Any information discussed with the Ombuds Office will not be shared with anyone without your permission*.

Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
You may request assistance from the UC Irvine Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD) including consultation on your rights and options, informal assistance, and formal administrative investigations for matters of discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. For issues of sexual harassment or sexual violence, regardless of whether a formal complaint is filed, OEOD can assist with supportive measures including housing, workplace, and academic assistance for students and employees.
You may make a report through the following methods:
- UCI Campus: Multipurpose Science and Technology Building suite 103, Irvine, CA, 92697(mail or drop in)
- Medical Center: 3800 West Chapman Ave, Suite 7601, Orange, CA 92868 (by appointment)
- Call: 949-824-5594

UC Irvine Police
You may report sex offenses, including dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, to the police. When the UC Irvine Police Department is contacted, an investigating officer trained in sex offense cases will be dispatched to the scene and will explain the police procedures, safety planning, and your reporting options.
Address: 410 E. Peltason Dr. Irvine, CA 92697
Phone: 949-824-5223 or 911
To UCI PD WebsiteAnonymous Reporting
If you have an incident to report and wish to remain anonymous, OEOD may still be able to assist informally. To make an anonymous report, call the Discrimination/Sexual Harassment hotline at 949-824-7037.
If you choose not to report
If you experienced discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence and decide not to file a formal report, all campus resources remain available to you. Feel free to reach out to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity or a confidential CARE Advocate who can explain what resources are available to you.
UCI employees have a responsibility to report in certain circumstances. Contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity or refer to the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment.
If You've Been Accused
If you have been accused of an act of sexual harassment or sexual violence, there are campus resources available to help you understand your rights and the investigation process.
- UC Irvine Respondent Service Coordinator
- UCI Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Info
- UC Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy

Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
103 MSTB
(949) 824-5594

Office of the Ombuds
205 MSTB(949) 824-7256

Counseling Center
203 Student Services 1(949) 824-6457

Faculty & Staff Mental Health Care and Respondent Services
Faculty & Staff Mental Health CareRespondent Services

Student Health Center
501 Student Health
(949) 824-5301
Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm