Non-Confidential UCI Resources
Below are a number of local and national resources available should you need immediate assistance related to sexual violence or other sexual misconduct. These resources are available even when the campus is closed or on an administrative holiday. We encourage you to also report incidents through OEOD’s reporting page.
Please note that UCI employees and students have the right to Title IX-related accommodations and support services, regardless of whether they file a formal complaint or participate in a formal process. Meeting with OEOD to learn more about resources does not mean a formal investigation will be initiated.
Campus Social Worker is responsible for providing private support for individual students during a medical, physical, familial, and/or emotional crisis. The Campus Social Worker can help develop an action plan to coordinate and monitor the delivery of services to help students meet their goals. The Campus Social Worker can mobilize necessary campus and community resources to maximize the person’s physical, social, and/or emotional well-being. The Campus Social Worker also helps students navigate their relationships and responsibilities with UCI academic and administrative departments. Meetings are by appointment only. Phone: (949) 824-1418.
For students to visit the campus social worker, they need a referral from a staff or faculty member. To make an appointment to speak to the campus social worker, please let an investigator know and OEOD can make you a referral.
The Student Health Center can provide on-campus medical attention to students. It is important to note that any health center or physician treating the victim of a violent crime is obligated by law to report the crime to the police. The student health center also operates a dental clinic. Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Phone: (949) 824-5301.
FRESH Basic Needs Hub provides services, resources, and support to help students thrive on campus. The pantry at the Hub provides emergency food and toiletries to students. Students can access the pantry using their UCI student net ID. All information is kept confidential. The Smart ‘Eaters Life Skills Series gives students the education and skills they need to eat healthy on a budget and to learn how to cook affordable, nutrient-dense food for themselves. Phone: (949) 824-0607.
Disability Services Center (DSC) provides services to students with documented permanent and temporary disabilities. Services include reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and individualized support services based on your disability documentation, functional limitations, and a collaborative assessment of needs. Phone: (949) 824-7494.
If you are participating in a process, or program with a campus office or center (CARE, OEOD, UCIPD, OAISC, RSC, CSW, LGBTRC, Veteran’s Center, etc.), and have disability-related needs and wish to request reasonable accommodations to ensure your full participation in a program, activity, or process, please let the office staff know that you have accommodations on file with DSC. DSC can engage in an interactive process with you and work with the office staff to figure out how your academic accommodations may apply to another program, activity, or process on campus or at the medical center. For new accommodation requests, please let the office staff know and they will connect you to DSC. The university will consider all requests for reasonable accommodations and engage in the interactive process to ensure meaningful participation for all.
UC Irvine Police provides a timely response for students, staff, faculty, and members of the community experiencing crimes, including hate crimes and sexual violence. For sex crimes, the police can arrange for medical evidentiary examinations to provide admissible evidence when the person reporting the sex offense desires prosecution through the criminal justice system. The UC Irvine Police Department encourages the University community, including students, to immediately contact them by dialing 911 or (949) 824-5223 to report crimes. UCIPD investigations into hate incidents and sex offenses can be coordinated with an OEOD investigation. Please note that UCIPD can assist in referrals to other police departments in Orange County and can take courtesy reports for other police stations. The UC Irvine Police Department is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week Address: 410 E. Peltason Dr. Irvine, CA 92697 Phone: (949) 824-5223 or 911.
The Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct (OAISC) is responsible for UCI’s campus-wide academic integrity and non-academic student conduct process and manages the adjudication of discrimination, sexual harassment, and sex offense student respondent cases. OAISC also manages the formal hearing and appeals process for sex offense cases. OAISC is available Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. Address: 800 W. Peltason Dr., Irvine, CA 92617 Phone: (949) 824-1479.
The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center (LGBTRC) provides support, education, and advocacy from an intersectional perspective regarding sexual orientation/attraction and gender identity for the UC Irvine Campus Community including all lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex, transgender, queer, asexual, ally, and questioning students, faculty, staff, and the larger campus community. LGBTRC offers a safe space for all identities, educational, social justice, and social programs. LGBTRC houses the David Bohnett Cyber Center computer lab and an extensive library and resource wall. The center hosts workshops, training, leadership, and ally development, and provides information on SB179 and help with changing one’s name in California and at UCI, and a list of on-campus gender-inclusive bathrooms. Address: G301 Student Center Irvine, CA 92697. Phone: (949) 824-3277.
The Campus Safety Escort Program is a safe alternative to walking alone. The CSO Safety Escort program is a 24-hour complimentary service for members of the UCI community. Safety escorts are provided to the following locations: Main Campus, University Research Park, all campus housing areas, and University Town Center Apartments. CSOs are equipped with radios that allow them to maintain constant communication with the police department. This is an excellent resource to use should you not want to walk by yourself. You would just need to call (949) 824-7233 (SAFE) and provide them with specific information. I have hyperlinked the website and provided it here so that you are able to view exactly what information they will ask from you when you call. It might be a good idea to save the number in your phone, so you have it at all times.
Student Respondents
Complainant Support is a private service that provides support for all faculty and staff who have or may desire to bring forth complaints of alleged conduct that violates the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment. Complainant Support Services assists faculty and staff in navigating the personal and professional impacts of experiencing alleged misconduct, as well as helps them understand their rights and the reporting process. Meetings are by appointment only. Contact Dr. Negar Shekarabi at or 949-824-5208.
UCI Faculty/Staff Support Services provides employees with free/private virtual individual consultation via Zoom and support to resolve behavioral health issues, serves as a primary crisis intervention resource to facilitate and coordinate appropriate resources, and develops and implements instructional training and materials to assist in the promotion of mental well-being for all faculty and staff. They offer support for a wide range of issues related to employee mental health and well-being as well as consultations and training services for faculty and staff management. Meetings are by appointment only. You can reach Dr. Negar Shekarabi at or 949-824-5208.
Human Resources (HR) can assist employees with understanding their benefits, provide information on leave including FMLA, disability, and catastrophic leave, connect employees to EAP, provide parenting support, wellness programs, and other resources, and assist with workplace-related concerns and conflicts. HR also helps with adjudicating discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence cases with staff respondents. Campus HR Phone: (949) 824-5210 Medical Center HR Phone: (714) 880-7812. Health Sciences HR Phone: (949) 824-7300
Academic Personnel (AP) provides resources and information on policies and procedures, compensation, leaves, and benefits, career development, workplace accommodations, University Hills housing, complaint resolution, and equity initiatives for senate and non-senate faculty, non-faculty researchers, lecturers, librarians, project scientists, post-doc scholars, and teaching assistants. AP adjudicates discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence cases with respondents in the above positions. Phone: (949) 824-7175
Disability Management Services (DMS) serves employees through programs in compliance with federal law, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) as well as UC policies and collective bargaining agreements. Disability Management Services can assist departments with the interactive process for providing reasonable accommodations to employees, assist employees with return-to-work options and disability benefits, and provide guidance on leave policies. For assistance with disability accommodation requests or the return-to-work process, contact the Disability Management Consultant for campus employees by phone (949) 824-9756 or the Disability Management Consultant for medical center employees by phone: at (714) 456-8667.
If you are participating in a process, or program with a campus office or center (CARE, OEOD, UCIPD, RSC, HR, etc.), and have disability-related needs and wish to request reasonable accommodations to ensure your full participation in a program, activity, or process, please let the office staff know that you have accommodations so that the office may find out how your workplace accommodations may apply to their program, activity, or process.
UC Irvine Police provides a timely response for students, staff, faculty, and members of the community experiencing crimes, including hate crimes and sexual violence. For sex crimes, the police can arrange for medical evidentiary examinations to provide admissible evidence when the person reporting the sex offense desires prosecution through the criminal justice system. The UC Irvine Police Department encourages the University community, including students, to immediately contact them by dialing 911 or (949) 824-5223 to report crimes. UCIPD investigations into hate incidents and sex offenses can be coordinated with an OEOD investigation. Please note that UCIPD can assist in referrals to other police departments in Orange County and can take courtesy reports for other police stations. The UC Irvine Police Department is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week Address: 410 E. Peltason Dr. Irvine, CA 92697 Phone: (949) 824-5223 or 911.
The Campus Safety Escort Program is a safe alternative to walking alone. The CSO Safety Escort program is a 24-hour complimentary service for members of the UCI community. Safety escorts are provided to the following locations: Main Campus, University Research Park, all campus housing areas, and University Town Center Apartments. CSOs are equipped with radios that allow them to maintain constant communication with the police department. This is an excellent resource to use should you not want to walk by yourself. You would just need to call (949) 824-7233 (SAFE) and provide them with specific information. I have hyperlinked the website and provided it here so that you are able to view exactly what information they will ask from you when you call. It might be a good idea to save the number in your phone, so you have it at all times.